Friday, April 5, 2013


Hello everyone. I had a donation come in yesterday for $25 from Janet B. Thank you Janet. You get access to the daily video updates during the mission trip and the final DVD.

I'm getting ready for the upcoming fundraisers. The next one is Sushi night on April 20th. I'm going to start promoting that in about a week or so.

I'm also drafting plans to put together a video where I'll talk to our contacts in India via Skype about the work that is being done there and will be done there when we come. I'm also planning to speak with Melba, the missions pastor at the church to discuss specifics about the mission trip.

I'm starting to get questions from people about the trip and a video might be a good way to answer these questions for everyone.

What I really don't want people to think is that this is some sort of vacation. I can see the temptation in that. Try and get people to pay for my vacation to India, right? There is more to this trip. I'm not sure exactly what that "more" is going to be, but I invite you to join me and see.

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