I've been working on this website for a few days, getting all the information together and figuring out my role on this mission trip. I truly fear putting myself out there asking others for support and I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe because this involves money, and to ask for it makes me feel needy or weak. I do however feel the familiar call to step outside of my comfort zone and in a strange way I'm able to take comfort in that.
I'll be documenting this trip through photography and video work. I'm not exactly sure what God has in store, but I invite you to join me through the media I'll produce.
If you're a Christian, I ask for your prayers. If God moves you to support this mission, please do so and know that I'm truly grateful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you're not a Christian, I hope you'll pay attention to this blog just to see what comes out of all this. I'll do my best to share compelling media about what we're doing there and who knows, maybe you'll see something extraordinary.
In any event, my motives in this endeavor are to serve God, love my neighbor and finally to seek the Kingdom of God.
Here we go!